BS Biochemistry Post ADP/BSc

Program Introduction

Biochemistry can be simply defined as the study of life at the molecular level. Every process occurring within the living organism, from metabolism to muscle contraction to vision and even including the thought processes, happens as a result of a series of chemical reactions. The field of biochemistry accommodates people with a wide spectrum of interests, from those with a strong biological orientation to those who view themselves more as chemists. Biochemistry is a rapidly growing, and exciting field of study. Genetic engineering, biotechnology, and immunology are the prominent areas in which biochemists are playing a major role.

The School of Science at UMT offers a four-year BS Biochemistry degree program, which consists of a combination of requirements and electives that ensure a strong foundation in the chemical and biological sciences while providing the flexibility to tailor the curriculum to satisfy specific interests or career goals. The offered courses provide students with extensive exposure to basic Biochemistry, as well as Cell Biology and Molecular Biology.

The BS Biochemistry program is interesting for the students who plan careers in research, teaching, or in health sciences professions that are medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry. Developments and discoveries in the fields of biochemistry have an enormous impact on the society. The course of study in biochemistry reflects the fact that the field lies at the interface of biology and chemistry. Extensive background in the basic sciences and biology is the foundation for the program.

Majorly biochemistry prepares graduates for challenging and rewarding career opportunities. The biochemistry industry offers excellent job prospects for graduate trained in the molecular life sciences, with opportunities across the spectrum of all company activities.

Career Prospects

Graduates of this program can expect promising careers in the following roles and fields:

  • Analytical Chemist
  • Biomedical or Forensic Scientist
  • Nanotechnologist
  • Pharmacologist

Program Details

2 years
  • B.Sc. with major in Biological Sciences, Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Medical Lab Technology or equivalent subject with minimum of 60 credit hours
  • Associate Degree in Biochemistry with a Minimum 2.00 CGPA
  • Intermediate with minimum 50% Marks & UMT entrance test.
  • No Third Division in Entire Acedamic Background.

Fee will be structured on the basis of per credit hour taken by the applicant after admission.

*Note: For Degree completion (The student has to complete a minimum of 133 total credit hours (including ADP credit hours) with a Minimum CGPA of 2.00)

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